
How to make a complaint, including our complaints process, the types of complaints we help with and our online form.


Complaints process

How we handle your complaint about an electricity, gas or water company.

Complaints we can help with

A list of complaints we can and can't help you with, and who to contact if we can't help.

Submit a complaint

Complete our online form to submit your unresolved complaint about an electricity, gas or water company.

Other complaint bodies

A list of organisations that may be able to help with your complaint if we can't.

Feedback about EWOQ

How to send us compliments and complaints about EWOQ staff and service.

Complaint statistics

Our latest figures on the types of complaints we've received this year and how many we've resolved.

Systemic issues

How we identify and respond to systemic issues that arise from complaints to us.

Make a complaint

Send us a complaint using our online form.

Contact us

Find out how to contact the Energy and Water Ombudsman Queensland.