Energy and water help for small business

While your business might be small, it may feel like you receive a lot of big bills. Some of the biggest bills you receive might be your energy and water bills. If you’re struggling to pay these, need to improve your energy or water efficiency, or have an issue with your provider, there is help available.

What is a small business customer?

When it comes to energy and water, your status as a ‘small business’ customer when accessing EWOQ services is based on how much energy or water you consume:

  • electricity – less than 160 megawatt hours (MWh) a year
  • gas – less than one terajoule (TJ) a year
  • water – less than 100 kilolitres (kl) a year.

To find out how much you’re consuming, have a look at your bill.

Small energy and water customers have similar protections as residential customers. This gives them access to essential electricity, gas, and water supplies on fair and reasonable terms.

Energy and water accounts and plans

In South East Queensland, small business customers can compare and choose the energy plan that best suits their needs. Customers can choose between a standing offer, where the maximum that can be charged is set by the Australian Energy Regulator, or a market offer where the pricing is set by the provider.

You can compare electricity and gas prices using the Energy Made Easy website. Here you can also compare payment options, conditions, fees and contract periods. All these factors combine to ensure you get the best deal for you. Read more on comparing electricity prices.

In regional Queensland, regulated energy prices apply through Ergon Energy and are set each year by the Queensland Competition Authority.

Find out more about business electricity prices and your options in both South East and regional Queensland.

Water and sewerage connections are through your water service provider. Service providers include local councils, Unitywater and Urban Utilities. Contact your water service provider if you would like more information on how your water bill is calculated.

Energy and water saving for business

The cost of running a business is rising so understanding your energy and water use and making changes can help you save money. Small changes can make a big difference over time.

Taking a look at your energy and water use and identifying some areas to improve is a good start.

This could include:

  • using more energy or water efficient appliances
  • installing timers to turn off lights and appliances when not in use
  • keeping equipment in good working order
  • checking for water leaks
  • negotiating energy charges for peak and off peak usage.

Business Queensland has a list of tips for saving energy in your business to get you started.

Government support

Rebates, grants and assistance

There are small business support programs available to help businesses reduce their energy and water bills. You can search on to see if you’re eligible. Support ranges from energy advice and audits, energy and water efficiency assistance, renewable incentives and access to other programs, rebates and grants.

Can't pay your bill?

Energy providers offer support for small businesses struggling to pay their energy bills. These are often known as hardship programs. If you’re having financial difficulty and are struggling to pay a bill, call your electricity or gas company first to discuss how they can help.

Water providers are also able to assist you with payment plans or extensions. Contact your water provider for more information. Learn more about water providers, bills and customer rights.

How EWOQ can help

We assist small business customers with issues with their energy or water provider.

Before you contact us, contact your energy or water provider first to give them a chance to fix the issue. If you’re unhappy with their response or they can’t help you, contact us to make a complaint.