Customer satisfaction research
We ask for your feedback on our service to see how well we are meeting:
- our goal of providing a free, fair and independent dispute resolution service
- the needs of residential and small business electricity and gas customers across Queensland
- the needs of water customers in South East Queensland.
We use this information to improve your experience with us.
Latest customer research results
We survey our customers based on the Australian Government’s Benchmarks for industry-based customer dispute resolution.
These benchmarks focus on the 6 key attributes of effective dispute resolution services: accessibility, independence, fairness, accountability, efficiency and effectiveness.
Customers are asked a series of questions to rate how satisfied they are with our service based on each of the benchmarks.
For the financial year 2023-24:
- 88% were satisfied or very satisfied on our accessibility, or how easy it was to find us
- 71% were satisfied with our independence as a service
- 74% were satisfied with the fairness of the outcome of their complaint
- 81% were satisfied with our accountability, including the knowledge and skills of our team
- 71% were satisfied with our efficiency in resolving their complaint
- 70% were satisfied with the overall experience – the effectiveness of our service
For the financial year 2022-23:
- 91% were satisfied or very satisfied on our accessibility, or how easy it was to find us
- 76% were satisfied with our independence as a service
- 71% were satisfied with the fairness of the outcome of their complaint
- 87% were satisfied with our accountability, including the knowledge and skills of our team
- 78% were satisfied with our efficiency in resolving their complaint
- 78% were satisfied with the overall experience – the effectiveness of our service.
How we survey our customers
We email surveys to our customers who have contacted us with a problem that we've:
- referred to a higher level with their electricity, gas or water provider
- investigated, or
- referred back to their electricity, gas or water provider.
Read more about our customer surveys.