Strategic plan

Our 2024-2028 Strategic Plan is a 4-year view of our organisation and key priorities.

Our vision

To make a positive difference to Queenslanders in a changing energy and water environment.

Our values

  • Respect: We act and interact with honest and integrity—manners, respect and courtesy are a given.
  • Integrity: Our actions are consistent with our words and we demonstrate our values through our actions.
  • Competency: We encourage each other and seek opportunities to learn, and share our knowledge and ideas, to continuously improve ourselves and our service.
  • Accountability: Each of us is accountable and responsible for our work, attitude and behaviours.
  • Excellence: We strive to be the best we can be, and deliver excellent service and quality results.


Strategic plan: our commitments, objectives and indicators of success.
CommitmentObjectives Indicators of success
  • We deliver fair and reasonable outcomes for consumers and scheme participants.
  • We listen to understand and respect our customers to build and maintain their trust.
  • Our teams have the skills to resolve wide-ranging problems for our internal and external customers.
  • Achieve agreed targets in customer
    and scheme participant surveys.
  • Achieve agreed dispute resolution targets.
  • Continuously improve quality and customer experience.
  • We attract, develop and retain committed professionals who are motivated by our values.
  • We have an empowered,
    high-performing and resourceful team.
  • We build the capabilities of our people now and for the future.
  • Increase engagement result of Working for Queensland survey.
  • Retain My workgroup factor result in the top quartile of Working for Queensland comparison data.
  • Required capabilities are identified and professional development completed.
  • We evolve with our changing environment.
  • We embrace change and adapt to emerging technologies.
  • Our business is accountable, efficient and effective.
  • Being prepared for legislative changes and an expanded jurisdiction.
  • Invest in our systems and processes to ensure we remain fit for purpose.
  • Deliver our services effectively within agreed targets.
  • Everyone who needs our help knows who we are and how to contact us.
  • We inform providers and consumers on how we can help with energy and water issues.
  • We collaborate with organisations who support energy and water consumers.
  • We connect with and influence our stakeholders to improve outcomes for the sector.
  • Share our insights and experiences to collaboratively improve the sector for all.
  • Provide information to help our stakeholders understand and help resolve the issues their customers are experiencing.
  • Meet with communities across the state via
    in-person and digital methods.
  • Increase awareness of our service through a variety of channels.

We will deliver our objectives through our key strategic initiatives:

  • Building future capabilities
  • Contributing to reconciliation with First Nations people
  • Implement a contemporary customer relationship management solution
  • Driving efficiencies and effectiveness
  • Embedding our better normal picture
  • Enhancing scheme participant management
  • Enriching customer experience
  • Raising awareness of our service

We will embrace opportunities by:

  • Adapting to the needs of our ever-changing world, including issues impacting our community
  • Expanding our jurisdiction to include renewable energy
  • Future focus on alternative energy options

Industry benchmarks:

  • Accessibility
  • Independence
  • Fairness
  • Accountability
  • Efficiency
  • Effectiveness

View our strategic plan